Health benefits of Ginger

•Ginger may be powerful weapon
in the treatment of ovarian cancer. A study conducted at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center found that ginger powder
induces cell death in all ovarian cancer cells to which it was applied.

•Ginger has been shown to be an effective remedy for the nausea
associated with motion sickness.

•Ginger has long been used as a natural heartburn remedy. It is most often taken in the form of tea for this purpose.

•Ginger has long been used as a natural treatment for colds and the flu. Many people also find
ginger to be helpful in the case of stomach flus or food poisoning, which is not surprising given the positive effects ginger has upon
the digestive tract.

•Research has shown that ginger
may provide migraine relief due to its ability to stop
prostaglandins from causing pain and inflammation in blood vessels.

•In Chinese medicine, ginger tea with brown sugar is used in the treatment of menstrual cramps.


Many people live their lives with healthy lungs and always fall prey to respiratory problems, and others smoke for 45 years, and there are still.

Not bring more mysteries than a regime of 3 days to give your lungs cleaning need. These steps will help.

It eliminates all dairy products two days before starting to clean. Dairy products may interfere with the detoxification process, since they are slowly digested by the body. The body must rid of toxins from dairy products much before starting to clean the lungs.

Drink 1 cup of herbal laxative tea before going to bed the night before the first day of regime. This frees the system of toxins in the intestines that may tend to begin a constipation. The lungs must not be overloaded work with locks in any part of the body during cleaning.

Squeeze 2 whole lemons in 300 milliliters of water before breakfast. This will prepare you to digest alkalizing foods that help the lungs to regenerate.

Drinking 300 milliliters of juice of grapefruit in the snack. If you don't like the taste of the juice, mix it with a bottle of mineral water or replace it with pineapple juice. These juices contain natural antioxidants that promote a healthy respiratory system.

Drinking 300 milliliters of pure carrot juice between breakfast and lunch. Carrot juice will help alkalize your blood during the 3 days of cleaning.

You have to drink 400 milliliters of a potassium-rich juice with lunch. Potassium is a powerful agent that acts as a tonic for cleaning when ingested in liquid form. It squeezed carrot, celery, spinach, parsley. A true disgust that changes your life.

400 Milliliters of cranberry juice drink before bedtime. It helps to fight bacteria in the lungs that can cause infections. Blueberries are powerful antioxidants.

Care of the body and exercise
A hot bath for 20 minutes every day. It is important to allow the body to lose toxins through perspiration as much as possible.

Once the day walks brisk. Walking promotes healthy breathing. As you walk, you focus on breathing slowly and fully. It keeps the pace.

Place 5 to 10 drops of eucalyptus in hot water. Then you put a dry towel on the back of the head and inhale the steam until the water is no longer hot. The properties of oil and steam can help loosen the mucus.

There may be many things that you can not afford in this regime to clean the lungs. If this is your case, limit yourself to carrot juice, juice of cranberry and walk for a week. They are the three pillars along with:

Don't smoke
Avoid caffeine
Consult your doctor 

Best 25 Foods to Gain Weight

It is true that there are many people who want to lose extra weight however it has to be understood that there are also people who will want to put on some extra weight for being very thin. These people who are extremely thin also tend to go with unhealthy food and junk to add extra fat to the body before going with natural process to gain weight.

For all those who want to put on weight are suggested to keep distance from junk foods which are not healthy for the body, since they are surely going add weight to the body but at the same time they also are said to add bad fat to the body. Go only with the foods which are said to increase nutrient intake for the body and provide with sufficient energy, some of these foods have been listed below for simplicity:

  1. Salmon:

    It is necessary to take two servings of salmon on daily basis to see that it provides necessary proteins to the body which will help in increasing weight.

  2. Acorn Squash:

    Acorn Squash for gain weight
    This vegetable in its baked form is full of fiber and antioxidants when supported with olive oil rather than butter proves healthy and nutritious for the body.

  3. Peanut Butter:

    Peanut Butter for gain weight
    This salty spread can be used for bread one serving of which will provide 192 calories and has higher levels of protein.

  4. Eggs:

    eggs for gain weight
    They are easily available and come with the budget, being full of proteins, Vitamins A, D, E and provide body with good cholesterol.

  5. Granola:

    Granola for gain weight
    One bowl of Granola has sufficient nuts and oats which are sufficient for the body also providing 500 calories that makes healthy breakfast to the body.

  6. Butter:

    It is one such food which from long time is being considered to be good for weight gain however it is suggested to have this only in limited quantities and if this quantity is increased on daily basis it will have bad effect on the heart.

  7. Bagels:

    They are famous for increasing calories in huge density also providing all the necessary carbohydrates for the body.

  8. Tuna:

    All the important fatty acids in tuna are said to have healthy fats that not only help in gain weight but also give physical benefits to the body.

  9. Corn bread:

    Corn bread
    Being good source of carbohydrates makes it good companion for curries and soups adding 328 calories to the body.

  10. Cheese:

    It is said to be one such item helps in adding weight to the body; only one serving of this cheese will add 69 calories since it is made from concentrated milk adding proteins to the body along with calcium, cholesterol and fat.
  11. Fruit Juice:

    Fruit Juice
    This is one of the best and tasty methods to put on some additional weight due to the presence of sugar and additional nutrients.

  12. Pasta:

    This is a good supply of cereal carbohydrates which is one of the healthiest methods to add calories to the body.

  13. Shrimps:

    All the important acid content and nutrients present in the body are going to surely fill up the body with healthy calories.

  14. Whole Wheat Bread:

    Whole Wheat Bread
    They also are healthy and are sure to put on additional weight all at once with bread that adds 69 calories to the body also.

  15. Dried Fruits:

    Dried Fruits
    Quicker methods to add calories for the body is by eating these dried fruits rather than fresh one since they also are providing more calories and also nutritious at the same time.

  16. Oats:

    One full bowl of oats is enough to add necessary nutrition to the body for entire day due to presence of higher content of fiber along with important nutrients.

  17. Yogurt:

    Fruit based yogurt is said to have lesser fat is also considered healthy apart from which it also is said to add 118 calories for which it is necessary to add in daily diet for increased weight.

  18. Olive Oil:

    Olive Oil
    For easier method to add calories to the body it is better to change the cooking oil which can be chosen from among olive oil, canola oil that also are found to be beneficial for body health.

  19. Brown Rice:

    Brown Rice
    They are said to have higher content of fiber also have dietary carbohydrates which are necessary for the body on daily basis.

  20. Bananas:

    One banana is said to provide the body with 100 calories which also provides the body with necessary carbohydrates and nutrition hence this also is suggested food for those who undergo rigorous workouts.

  21. Seeds, Nuts:

    Seeds, Nuts
    They are said to be full of polyunsaturated fats which are responsible for all the healthy calories which can be added to the body if these are included in the diet, among all the available nuts there are almonds, pumpkin seeds and walnuts are chosen for better health.

  22. Beans:

    These are best substitutes for those vegetarians who cannot gain benefits from animal proteins.
  23. Chicken Breast:

    Chicken Breast
    This is one of the healthiest foods to add calories to the party also having lesser fat by adding only 78 calories in each serving of chicken breast.

  24. Potatoes:

    Grilled or baked potatoes are known to help in gain weight to the body due to presence of carbohydrates and complex sugars in them.

  25. Soybeans:

    Higher calorie food which is extremely delicious and nutty is known to be full of proteins along with calcium, fiber, B-vitamins and Iron hence are known to add to the body health.

10 Vegetables for a Healthy Diet

For anyone who is putting in huge efforts to lose weight is suggested to definitely include vegetables in the diet which are said to play much healthy role. For those who want to get back their body into shape or tone it for better look should surely make vegetables a part of daily diet.

It also has been reported that eating nearly 8 servings of vegetables every day is said to increase the immunity power in body to ward of any harm causing diseases like heart problems, diabetes and cancer.

Top 10 Vegetables for a Healthy Diet

Here are top 10 vegetables for a healthy diet:

  1. Tomatoes:

    Though they are often referred to as fruits are mostly used as vegetable is considered to be good for those want to know foods which will fight against cancer due to the presence of lycopene and red orbs. Also Vitamin A, K are said to keep check on the blood pressure levels in the body.

  2. Broccoli:

    This vegetable is given highest position when it comes to vegetables which are found to fight effectively against diseases. Being an entire storehouse of antioxidants it is said to fight against any cancers affecting stomach, rectal and lungs. Also Broccoli is said to be full of folate, beta-carotene and Vitamin C which increases the immunity power in body to stand up against cold and flu.

  3. Brussels Sprouts:

    These are one of the best foods exclusively for pregnant women due to the richer source of B-vitamin and folic acid which prevents any problem in uteral tube. They also have richer content like Vitamin C, K, Fiber, potassium and omega 3 fatty acids.

  4. Carrots:

    Carrots are one of the nutritious foods giving additional benefits to hair, skin and eyes making them best sources of pro-vitamin and carotenes. Carrots are from long time said to have positive effect on improvisation of vision increasing Vitamin C, A content which is said to keep check on the sugar levels in the body which is extremely beneficial for heart.

  5. Asparagus:

    One other vegetable which is beneficial for pregnant women with richer content of fiber, Vitamin B6 and folate that is said to enhance heart health. They also are known to have lesser sodium content making them best choice for better working of large intestine.

  6. Sweet Potatoes:

    Being richer sources of Vitamin A, C and Manganese they are filled with qualities which put of great defense also making it best for enhancing of digestive system. It also is a great source of energy due to increased presence of iron and fiber.

  7. Eggplants:

    Nasunin which is a unique antioxidant present in eggplants that helps in protecting brain cells against any damage. Further they also are said to lessen any risk of possible stroke and dementia due to the presence of potassium and fiber while best quality of eggplants have even lesser calories having good effect on heart.

  8. Bell Peppers:

    Irrespective of the colors these bell peppers have they have properties which are healthy for heart like lycopene and folic acids. They also are said to lessen the possibility of falling prey to cancer.

  9. Spinach:

    There is no denial to the fact that green leafy vegetable are reason for muscle power due to the presence of 13 flavonoid compounds that keep distance from body to heart diseases, osteoporosis and cancer.

  10. Onions:

    Immunity goes up by higher amount when onions are made part of daily diet, they also have peptide which is usually called GPCS that keeps check on the calcium level in body. Onions additionally have Vitamin C, folate that have better effect on gastrointestinal health.

20 Ways to Prevent Hair Loss for Men

Irrespective of the gender there is one common problem faced by several people across the world which is none other than hair loss where it is pretty much normal to lose  100 hair strands on daily basis. In real there is nothing to worry about this falling of hair follicles from scalp for which there are numerous reasons listed which include lack of minerals, stress, genetics, medication, pollution and diet.

20 Ways to Prevent Hair Loss in Men

But when it comes to men there might also be one other reason which is putting on cap or helmet, in regard to this there are 20 answers available to help in treating hair loss that are listed below:
  1. Usage of Mild Shampoo for Daily Hair Wash:

    In order to prevent huge hair loss it is suggested to keep the hair and scalp clean all time for which it is necessary to wash the hair on daily basis. Washing hair daily is also said to lessen any risk of causing infection or dandruff on scalp which will ultimately result in hair loss. Apart from this cleaner hair also gives the look of it having increased volume.
  2. Increase Vitamin Intake:

    Vitamins are considered effective not only for entire body but also for the hair especially Vitamin A is said to help in better production of sebum present in the scalp. There is another vitamin E which is said to help in improvement of blood circulation in scalp to see that hair follicles help in more hair production, also for the hair to retain its color it is suggested to increase intake of Vitamin B.
  3. Include Proteins in Diet:

    Hair growth is initiated by the proteins which can be abundantly found in fish, lean meats, soy and various others which will also keep a check on the hair loss.
  4. Use Essential Oils to Massage:

    All those who are suffering with hair loss from past some time can use essential oils in order to massage the scalp for few minutes. These essential oils like sesame oil or almond oil with lavender will make sure that the hair follicles remain active for longer time.
  5. Do Not Comb On Wet Hair:

    Hair when wet is its weaker state hence it is suggested to prevent combing through wet hair which will also increase the chance of hair fall. If there is any real need to comb wet hair it is suggested to use wide tooth comb, while too much brushing also is said to be causing huge damage to the hair and increasing hair loss hence this can be lessened by using fingers to remove any tangles in the hair.
  6. Onion, Ginger or Garlic Juice:

    Use any of these juices to be rubbed on scalp and has to be left in its state for entire night and has to be washed off in the morning. If this process is followed on daily basis for about a week it is found to see some positive results regarding hair loss issue.
  7. Increase Water Quantity:

    Each hair shaft consists of one quarter water hence it is suggested to drink nearly four to eight cups of water every day to keep it hydrated that ensure healthy growth of hair.
  8. Green Tea:
  9. It has been found in survey that hair loss can be treated by rubbing green tea for which it is necessary to use only two bags of green tea in a cup of water and boiled after which it has to be left so to cool down and applied onto the hair. Wait for an hour before washing this off and to get effective results it is necessary to do this regularly for about a week or more based on the need. 
  10. Identify Bad Things For Hair:

    In order to keep the hair healthy it is suggested to first understand how care is taken for the hair, instead of simply rubbing the hair with towel it is better to allow them dry naturally.
  11. Steer Clear From Alcohol:

    For all those suffering from hair loss should decrease the intake of alcohol since it is said to have negative effect on hair growth.
  12. No Smoking:

    Cigarette smoking is known to allow lesser blood to be flown to scalp also having direct effect on hair growth by decreasing it.
  13. Compulsory Exercise:

    It is suggested to make it compulsory that there is some or the other physical activity on daily basis which can include walking or swimming for half an hour every day that is said to maintain hormones at equal balance at the same time it is also said to lessen stress and hair loss.
  14. Fight Stress:

    Stress has often been considered to be the main reason for hair loss hence it is suggested to first combat stress which is one of the most common ways of treating hair fall. Some of the alternatives to this stress is choosing yoga, meditation which are known to help in getting back the hormones into perfect balance.
  15. Avoid Constant heating & drying:

    Do not open up hair to too much heating and drying techniques since this process is said to lessen hair proteins which will ultimately weaken the hair giving it fragility.
  16. Do Not Sweat The Head:

    Men who have oily scalp are found to have problems with dandruff especially during summer for which the reason is sweating also increasing the chance of hair loss. To prevent dandruff from attacking the hair it is suggested to use shampoos that are based on aloe vera and neem. Men who wear helmet are found to be mostly suffering from hair loss since weat is found to block the pores by finally leading to hair loss. If there is no other alternative apart from using helmet it is suggested to use scarf on hair before putting on helmet to avoid any hair fall problems.
  17. Alter hair style:

    Loosing too much hair might probably be an indication towards change in hair style since some of them like braids, ponytails will only mean pulling at hair follicles which will ultimately result in baldness.
  18. Maintain Health:

    Hair problems are initiated by lack of proper health, when it comes to healthy hair it is necessary to first get rid of any infections, fever and other illness.
  19. Look Out For Medicines:

    There are certain medicines which are known to have side effects on the body which will ultimately result in hair loss hence it is suggested to consult a doctor if hair loss is result of medication.
  20. Avoid Chemicals:

    Hair can be hugely damaged by some tough chemicals or even hair coloring products since it will possibly result in hair loss. 
  21. Visit Doctor at Regular Intervals:

    Hair loss can also be result of changes in hormones which are possibly result of various health issues which pop up due to skin related issues. Hence it is suggested to visit doctor on regular basis.