Get Rid of Wrinkles – Remove wrinkles from hands naturally at home

wrinkles on hands
Hands does lots of work throughout the day and is the part which is much exposed to sun rays, environmental pollution, smoking, age are some of the variables that contribute to form wrinkles.
The importance we generally give to our face is not given to our hands. We follow a regime of cleansing, scrubbing and apply sunscreens and other homemade tips and face packs. But ignore hands to a great extent.

Apply Moisturizer

Loss of moisture causes loss of elasticity ultimately leading to wrinkles on your hands. Appling moisturizers at night soothes your skin and gives you a good texture to your skin keeping fine lines and wrinkles at bay.
Moisturize daily and prevent new wrinkles from forming.

Oil treatments

Do you know people with oily skin are less prone to aging and wrinkles??
Give your hands a radiant and youthful appearance by applying oils that suits your skin type be it coconut, olive, sesame, castor or others of your choice on your hands and leave for at least one hour.
You can even apply some at nights and wash off in the morning. I’m sure you can definitely see changes overtime as the oils tends to penetrate deep into your skin cells that reduces wrinkles present and prevents formation of wrinkles.
I personally suggest you to use “Sunni Pindi” or use besan or gram flour as scrub which really works wonders in combination with oil treatment.
You may think exercise is unrelated to wrinkles but yes exercise works amazing to improve blood flow in your hands and keeps wrinkles off your hands.
Exposure to sun
Protect your hands with gloves and avoid your hands expose to rays of the sun.  Apply sunscreen to the hands, backs and palms before you step out.

Kitchen secretes to remove wrinkles on hands

  • Squeeze half lemon + spoonful of sugar
Massage mixture into your hands and fingers in a circular motion. Let it dry for 15 minutes and rinse with water. Lemon works amazing in removing tan, age spots, dirt and fine line off your hands while sugar acts as a scrub.
  • Half Lemon + 2tsp milk
Coat hands with this mixture and rinse after 20 minutes. Dairy products have anti-ageing properties that moisturize skin while lemon removes sun tan, dirt and other spots off your skin.
  • Rub tomato juice on to your hands. Let it dry and wash off.

Great idea

I don’t recommend people to take extra care for your hands. If you are too lazy to take care of your hands then all you must do is whatever you apply onto your face be it a moisturizer, sunscreen, a homemade scrub or pack. Try to put on these on your hands whenever you do it to your face. This tip works wonders and can really make your hands look youthful, soft and glowing like your face.

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