Best Antioxidant Rich Foods

Free radicals are formed when cells in the human body just like an atom breaks off, or leave a molecule with an odd or unpaired electron which attacks nearest stable cell molecules and damage a cell as a whole.
This cell destruction is in millions count due to stress, anger, and other environmental factors such as pollution, radiation, smoking, etc.
Thus antioxidants are helps get rid of these free radicals within the body.  Hence, eat loads of anti-oxidants packed food sources and destroy the free radical cells that effects enzymes, disturbs protein synthesis, accelerates aging, cells death, oxidizes bad cholesterol that leads to chronic inflammation, stiffening of arteries and other diseases.
 Here I give you some basic list of food sources that you can consume to fight the toxins out off your body, slowdowns ageing process and helps fight risks of cancer, colds and contribute to overall health.

  • Green tea: Green Tea is now the hottest of hot trends in the health and beauty industry that contains specific antioxidants called EGCG found only in Green tea, making it a special and most powerful Anti-Oxidant sources or foods for your body.

  • Tomatoes: Tomatoes are power packed with the antioxidant “lycopene” which is more potent in cooked tomatoes, or as a gazpacho, tomato sauce or tomato jams.

  • Greens and Vegetables that include amazing anti-oxidant supplements include: red beans, black beans, Kale, Spinach, Brussels sprouts, Alfalfa sprouts, Broccoli flowers, Beets, Red bell peppers, Onions, Corn, and Eggplant are rich in anti-oxidants.
  • Fruits like Prunes, Raisins, Blueberries, Blackberries, Strawberries Raspberries, Plums, Oranges, Red grapes, Cherries are the very best sources of anti-oxidants.

  • Citrus fruits: the vitamin C effects in Lemon, grapefruit and oranges are a great way to boost the antioxidants in your diet.

  • Cinnamon: Cinnamon is one of the readily available spices in India which is present in almost all the Indian kitchens. Cinnamon is packed with anti-oxidants that control bad cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels.  The best way to use Cinnamon is to add this spice to your curries or sauces or can even a put a piece of it in a cup of tea decoction. While, Ginger is another great source of anti-oxidant to keep bad cholesterol and diseases at bay.

  • Pomegranate: Drink a glass of Pomegranate juice and experience the wonderfulness of Antioxidants found in pomegranate that help fight heart diseases, LDL cholesterol and plaque buildup.

  • Dark chocolate:  Dark chocolates with 70% cacao have Flavonoids has a high count of potent antiox

  • idants – a delicious way to get rid of free radicals, blood pressure problems, soothes coughs, and increases blood flow to the heart.

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