Best tips to get rid of double chin – Tips to camouflage a double chin

Double chin is the one of the face beauty killer. It will take away the face beauty. It comes because of genetics or obesity or due to external fat in the body. Double chin may raises with the age. Age is also one the factor for the double chin. As we are getting older chances are increased to get the double chin. Below are few tips to get rid of the double chin.

Tips to get rid of the Double Chin:

Diet Plan

Double chin is the fatty layer under the chin. The intake of the fat are formed in body parts like stomach, thighs, under chin. Please avoid the fatty food. Consume the less fatty food. Keep away from the deep oil fried food, burgers, pizzas etc. Not to drink the colas, carbonated cool drinks etc.


Keep your body weight according to the BMI. Do the exercise at home. It is not possible choose the gym for the daily workouts. This will helps to maintain the body weight correctly according to the BMI. The overweight leads to double chin.

Jaw exercises

Jaw exercises are done with little care. Better to eat the chewing gum in the morning and evening. Eating chewing gum is the good exercise for the mouth and the jaws. When you practice this fat around the chin is melting slowly and gives the better shape under the chin.
Follow the other neck related exercise which gives the pressure on the neck and the chins. This types neck exercises are effectively work on the double chin.

Medical Procedures:

Some of the medical procedures to remove the extra fat under the chin that is double chin. The procedures like liposuction, plastic surgery etc is there. But the liposuction is widely popular in the recent times. By using this procedure doctors can easily remove the double chin. But these procedures are costly when compared with above points. But this procedure gives the instant results in hours. But you may have to face the side effects come with this procedures.

Ways you can camouflage a double chin


By applying the dark shade under the chin area you can hide the double chin .But the neck reflects with the other shade. Use the skin mixed dark shade in the makeup. Avoid the uneven shade in the chin make up.


Do not make the clear shave. It clearly exposes the double chin. Just trim the chin hair to short not to shave clean. This chin hair covers the double chin.

Gold neck ornaments:

Wear the long chains and necklaces. They will draw the viewer’s attention towards them.Wear the chins sits at the throat.


Necklines are the good option to cover the double chin. Wear the dress suitable necklines .They will gave the good appeal and the best covering to the double chin. There are different kinds of necklines are available like broad, low neck, open neck etc.

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