Best natural home remedies to get relief from the foot pain

People of all age groups suffer from some kind of foot pain at some point in their life. Due to foot pain you can feel pain anywhere in the foot like the toes, heel, sole, ankles or arch. Foot pain can be due to a number of reasons such as old age, wearing uncomfortable shoes, excessive walking, standing on your feet for a long time, any kind of fracture, mineral deficiency, in grown toe nails diabetes and so on.
If you are having foot pain, there are many things that you can try at home using simple and easily available ingredients to take care of the foot pain naturally.

Clove Oil

Clove oil is highly effective in treating headache, joint pain, athlete’s foot, nail fungus and also foot pain. To get quick relief from foot pain, you must gently massage your aching feet with clove oil. This will stimulate blood flow and relax your muscles. You can massage your feet and heels with clove oil several times a day to get quick relief from the pain. Those having sensitive or broken skin must dilute three drops of clove oil with one teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil and then use it to massage the foot.


Vinegar is used in various treatments including foot pain. In order to get relief from foot pain caused due to some kind of sprains or strains, you need to use vinegar wraps both hot and cold. For this remedy take equal amounts of vinegar and water in two vessels. In one vessel use cold water and in the other use hot water. Now soak a towel in the hot water and vinegar mixture, squeeze out the excess moisture and then wrap it around your foot. Leave it wrapped for five minutes. Next repeat the process with cold water and vinegar mixture.

Epsom Salt

Epsom salts can help to soothe your feet, thus giving you instant relief from your foot pain. For tired and achy feet, warm water and Epsom salts work better. Take about two to three tablespoons of Epsom salts and add it to a tub of warm water. Now soak your feet in the tub for about ten to fifteen minutes and then dry your feet using a clean towel. Here the combination of heat and magnesium work together to relax and ease the pain. As Epsom salts can make your feet dry, it is very essential to apply some moisturizer on your feet afterwards.

Hot and Cold Water

Hot and cold water therapy can also be used to treat foot pain. While the hot treatment will promote blood flow, cold treatment will reduce the inflammation. When suffering from foot pain, apply a heat pad and an ice pack alternately for ten minutes to reduce foot pain. Another option is fill one bucket with cold water and another one with bearable hot water. Now sit in a comfortable chair, and dip your feet in hot water for two minutes and then do the same with cold water for ten minutes. Repeat the whole process two to three times again.

Mustard Seeds

Mustard seeds can also be used in the treatment of foot pain. It helps to remove the toxic water from the body, improves blood circulation and removes inflammation, thus giving relief from foot pain. Take some mustard seeds and grind them and then add it to half bucket of warm water. Now soak your feet in this water for ten to fifteen minutes and finally pat dry your feet. This remedy will control the swelling and pain.

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