Top Monsoon feet care tips to avoid infections in this rainy season

Monsoon Foot care Tips:

Keep them dry.

Always keep your feet dry in the monsoon or rainy season. Go out with shoes rather than sandals. Shoes give the full protection than the sandals. If  feet are wet fungal and bacterial infections are easily spread around your feet.
 Do not soak in rain water.
Avoid soaking in the rainy water. When feet are get wet in the rain, wash with the water at home .Use the antiseptic liquids in the cleaning water.

Foot Scrubbing:

When you go to bathing, soak your feet in the water about 10 minutes .Add any soap liquids, shampoo to the water. After 10 minutes wash your feet with the scrubbers made for feet. Finish your bath.

Foot moisturizer:

After the feet scrubbing completion, apply any moisturizer to feet. It helps to form the new cells in the place old gone dead cells in foot scrubbing.

 Not to Go out With Wounds:

Better to stay at home when you have the feet wound and feet related problems. Consults doctor for the treatment. Wounds in the monsoon make huge damage than in summer and winter.

 Apply Antiseptic Gels

Apply the antiseptic gels to your feet. Better to make it at the night time. Antiseptic gels are good to clear the fungus and bacteria around the feet

Foot care products

Buy the best foot care products in the market and make use them for the beautiful feet. Use the branded products and well known products. Not go for the new products.

 Fish spa

Go for the fish spa foot massage in the monsoon .It  will clear the dead cells around the feet and give the better results.

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