Minerals essential for your body and mind

Nutritional deficiencies result from different causes like ignorance, eating habits or depression. Combination of any of these features increases the possibility of poor nutrition and often leads to the importance of identifying the essential minerals that we need to supplement our body. Mentioned below is the list of the Essential Minerals including its description, function and food sources for these elements.
  • COPPER: Is a necessary part of the body’s ability to produce hemoglobin. It also works together with iron in the formation of red blood cells. Without copper, the body could not complete the process of building the bones that make up the skeletal system.
  • CHROMIUM: Participates in assisting our body to absorb and stabilize energy that we need throughout the day. Sufficient quantity of it can make many large biological molecules that help us survive.
  • FLUORIDE: This is the most important trace element affecting body bones and teeth. It’s the only element that can stimulate bone growth.
  • IODINE: Seventy-five percent of this mineral makes its way to the thyroid gland then joins up with two important hormones – triiodothyronine and thyroxin. Every part of the body requires these hormones to produce energy.
  • IRON: It is easy to get enough iron if we can be able to maintain a balance diet. But ironically, iron deficiency anemia is the most common nutritional disease in the world affecting at least five million people to this date.
  • ZINC: Sufficient requirement of this can ensure that the immune system remains healthy and is able to fight off disease.
  • SULFUR: This essential element can easily be found in almost all food that we eat so we don’t have to get worried about. Sulfur defends the body cells from environmental hazards such as air pollution and radiation.
  • SODIUM: Sodium is important in the distribution of water in the body. It helps in maintenance of fluid volume in the vessels and tissues and also concerned with muscle and nerve irritability.
  • POTASSIUM: We should have balance intake of Sodium to avoid heart disease and benefit from maintaining balance of positive and negative ions in our body fluids and tissues. Sodium aids in preventing heat prostration or sunstroke.
  • COBALT: Without cobalt, Vitamin B-12 could not exist. The body uses this vitamin for numerous of purposes like digestion and nerve function where B12 deficiency can also cause nerve cells to form incorrectly, resulting in irreversible nerve damage.
Strict vegetarians are at risk of B-12 deficiency, because vegetables do not contain this important vitamin. B-12 is only found in animal sources such as red meat, fish, eggs, cheese and milk.
  • CHLORIDE: When too much salt in the body increases, the combined phenomena of low blood pressure and feeling of weakness are symptoms of a chloride deficiency.
Best sources of food for trace and macro minerals:
In Copper, we have: bananas, peas, whole wheat, prunes, oysters, shellfish, liver, kidney, grains and legumes
In Chromium, we have: grains, liver, beef, yeast nuts, mushrooms, asparagus, meat, chicken and cheese
In Iodine, we have: vegetables grown in iodine rich soil, onion, meat, eggs, iodized salt and seafood
In Iron, we have: nuts, dried fruits, oysters, liver, kidney, red meat, fish, poultry, grains, dried beans, peas and raisin
In Zinc, we have: pumpkin seeds, corn, nuts, wheat germ, oysters, red meat, liver and egg
In Sulfur, we have: cabbage, fish, nuts, eggs, lean beef, most vegetables and milk
In Sodium, we have: shellfish, meats, eggs, table salt, fruits and vegetables
In Potassium, we have: fruits, mint leaves, vegetables, bananas, potatoes, meats, mung bean and nuts
In Phosphorus, we have: fish, poultry, whole grains, eggs, seeds, nuts, sprouts, alfalfa, mung bean and dairy products
In Magnesium, we have: dried figs, dried apricots, lemons, almonds, corn, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits
In Cobalt, we have: meat, kidney, liver, milk, oysters and clams
In Chloride, we have: table salt, olives similar to sodium
In Calcium, we have: vegetables, parsley, dried figs, sesame seed, soybeans, oysters, salmon, milk, cheese, sardines, almonds, Brazil nuts

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