Benefits of rose water for your skin care


From generations women used rose water as part of their skincare regime. It may not be uncommon to listen to grannies extolling it’s beauty benefits and its effectiveness.
Rose water and rose oil are one of the oldest skincare and grooming products. It once was added to the baths to treat mild skin ailments.  Rose oil/water are used in just a few cosmetic products these days. Here are a few tips on how rosewater works wonders on your skin:
1. It is a great solution for removing oil and dirt accumulated in clogged skin pores,  thus preventing acne along with pimples.
2. Because rose fragrance has anti-inflammatory qualities, using rose water will help in decreasing the redness from inflammed or over-heated skin rashes/color.
3. It’s properties are similar to that of astringent, which is the reason it is used after facials along with clean ups to be able to close open pores. Using rose water facials/clean ups tightens capillary vessels, reduces redness and blotchiness.
4. The scent of roses is considered a powerful mood enhancer. It rids people of thoughts of anxiousness and encourages emotional wellness, thereby causing you to stay relaxed. Since it truly is destressing, it assists you to sleep better so that you will wake up feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.
5. The most effective and simplest way to apply it is to use it during the night. It aids clear many impurities that has accumulated on the face during the day.

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