Top 6 Home Remedies to Remove Bad Breath

bad breath
Bad breath is also called as Halitosis, which means unbearable bad odor. Bad breath is thwarting and also impacts on your confidence.  One has to control it immediately. Bad breath can occur due to various reasons like strong odorous foods, dry mouth, smoking, gum diseases, sinus conditions, and medical conditions.  But, the main reason for bad breath is because of the bacteria that upsurge on the backside of the tongue or between the teeth.
Sustaining good oral-health is important to control bad breath. There are plenty of home remedies that help you remove bad breath, best part is, all the remedies are simple and mostly you can find the ingredients from your kitchen pantry.  In this article you can find some of the best home remedies to remove bad breath.
Baking Soda:  Baking soda, everybody will have it in their kitchen, easily available and it is the great source to get rid of your bad breath in jiffy and simply get some fresh breath. Brush your teeth with baking soda, it reduces the acidity in the mouth and prevents bacteria to grow on tongue. You can also use baking soda for gargling. Put some baking soda in warm water and gargle, immediately it makes you feel fresh and odor free.  It is one of the best and simple home remedy to remove bad breath.
Water: Water is the most important for maintaining fresh breath. After eating food, you must rinse your mouth and gargle it water for few seconds, it takes out the food particles that are stuck on your teeth, after that rinse your mouth with water for clean and fresh breath.  Drinking water during the meals also helps you in many ways. Water is a complete cost-effective remedy that easily removes bad breath.
Tea Tree-Oil:  Tea tree oil contains antiseptic properties, since it acts as a powerful disinfectant.  You can find toothpastes with tea tree oil ingredient that helps you prevent bad breath. Otherwise you can also put tea tree oil on the brush along with your toothpaste when you brush your teeth.  You can also obtain mouthwash with tea tree oil, lemon oil and peppermint oil, mix all three oils and make a mouthwash, add the mixture in a glass of water and gargle it for some time for fresh lemony peppermint breath.
Fennel:  Fennel is a spice, which is mostly used in cooking. Fennel can also be used to get rid of bad breath.  Take a small spoon of fennel seed and put it in your mouth and slowly chew them, this spice has antimicrobial properties that give fresh breath. You can also use other authentic spices like cardamom or clove to remove bad breath.
Parsley:  It contains chlorophyll, which actually controls bad breath. Take a bunch of fresh parsley leaves and soak it in vinegar. Chew the leaves for two to three minutes and feel the freshness in your mouth. You can also make parsley juice, and sip this juice anytime when you want to feel freshness.  Parsley also has other beneficial factors like it helps in digestion and it prevents intestinal gas.
Tea:  Tea also helps you control bad breath.  Tea of any kind black or green tea contains a compound called polyphenols, which stops the growth of bacteria that causes bad breath.  Tea which is always available in your kitchen helps you get rid of bad breath easily. You can drink your regular cup of tea or you can try green tea and remove bad breath.
These are some of the simple Home remedies that help you remove bad breath. All these remedies are easy to follow and the ingredients are also easily available in your kitchen pantry. Try them and get rid of bad breath easily.

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