Varicose veins – causes, best home remedies to treat varicose veins

Varicose veins are those enlarged veins which appear near to the skin surface, and so are visible to human eyes. They arise due to malfunctioning of valves inside the veins when acute pressure is applied. They are normally present in the thighs and the calves.

Reason for varicose veins

The occurrence of these veins is also the consequence we face, of our wrong day to day habits. Proper exercise and balanced diet, dependence on healthy and nutritional food hits hard all the ailments. But we are too lazy to adapt into this healthy aura and tend to inculcate into the health hazardous lifestyle. Sitting for long hours, less of physical work , lack of exercise, digging into junk food, pregnancy, excessive weight, prolonged constipation, people who sit with cross legs, tend to invite this problem.
Even excessive pressure when applied to legs due to heavy lifting and rigorous exercise can also enhance varicose veins appearance. Heredity is also one reason which can cause varicose veins.
Moreover, a diet deficient of vitamin c and bioflavonoids leads to weaken collagen structure and promotes this problem.
It is also found that in some cases, heart failure, liver diseases and tumours can ignite varicose veins in one’s body.
Most people are unaware about varicose veins and it is hard to believe that 10% of the population encounter this problem. It shows that people are coping with lack of awareness about the health issues, and that too when, it is harming a huge number. It is found that mostly women are affected in comparison to men. Proper treatment of the veins are necessary and if not it can lead to cramps in the leg, fatigue, restlessness, sores, itching, swelling, etc.

Home remedies for varicose veins:

  •  Indulge into a lot of berries whether blackberries or strawberries, they are helpful in easing the symptoms of varicose veins.
  • A balanced diet introduces no diseases and leads to healthy life. Eat healthy veggies, green leafy vegetables, good amount of fish, etc.
  • Eating garlic, ginger and onions also benefit the body as they act like anti oxidants.
  • Maintaining a distance from tobacco, alcohol, smoking, junk foods, a lot of consumption of sugar, ice-cream, supports the adverse effects of such problems. A better life with a better lifestyle is what one should crave for.
  • Adopt a daily routine of physical exercises like walking, swimming, cycling and others to prevent it.
  • Bad posture, prolonged sitting and no physical movement can worsen the problem, inculcate into healthy disciplines.
  • Wearing tight clothes can restrict the proper flow in the body and so need to be reduced.
  • People working for long hours at the desk, need to take small breaks, go for a walk, perform some easy exercises, stretch your body, all these activities can provide high benefits.
  • The skin to the varicose veins is itchy and so should not be scratched, it can ultimately lead to bleeding and ulceration.
  • Application of castor oil after bathing followed by a massage provides relief to the veins.
  • A long hours of standing can increase pressure on the feet, it is a strict no no especially for those suffering from this ailment. In between the long hours, the body weight need to be transferred to toes, or try to sit in between.
The remedies can be executed by self help, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating right, physical exercises and inner motivation can spare us from these problems for a long run.

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